A board game is a game in which counters or pieces are placed, removed, or moved on a premarked surface or “board” according to a set of rules. Games may be based on pure strategy, chance or a mixture of the two and usually have a goal which a player aims to achieve. Early board games represented a battle between two armies and most current board games are still based on beating opposing players in terms of counters, winning position or accrual of points

Antique Games
Antique Games Price Chart
Name | Description | Size | Price |
Across The Continent | Parker Brothers, Tootsietoy Zephyr Markers, Board.1952 | 85 | |
Board | Buffalo Bill, Parker Brothers, Salem, Mass., Copyright 1898, | 9*15 | 717 |
Board | Checkers, 2 Pine Boards, Brass, Painted, Nova Scotia,c.1900 | 840 | |
Board | Checkers, 2-Sided, Painted, Herringbone Inlay, Wood, Varnish Finish, | 15 | 275 |
Board | Checkers, Black & White Squares, Green Border, Black Molding, 1800s, | 11*10 | 3173 |
Board | Checkers, Gray, Black , Painted, | 15.5*25 | 403 |
Board | Checkers, Hex Sing, 2-Sided, Brown, Yellow, Green, | 14*13.5 | 6000 |
Board | Checkers, Inlaid, Sliding Compartments, | 18*28 | 230 |
Board | Checkers, Laminated Maple, Applied Rim, Black Squares, | 26.5*18.75 | 224 |
Board | Checkers, Maple, Laminated, 19th Century, | 26.5*18.75 | 200 |
Board | Checkers, Mustard & Black Diamonds, Breadboard Ends , | 18.75*24.5*1 | 4675 |
Board | Checker , Painted, Multicolored, Dots, Fleur-De-Lis, Stenciled Borders, | 15*18 | 1175 |
Board | Checker , Painted, Black & Cream, Red Outlines, Red Diamond Border, | 16*15 | 2703 |
Board | Checker , Pine, Red & Black , Flourishes, Stenciled, Flowerhead, | 26*25 | 10800 |
Board | Checker , Poplar, Painted, On Walnut Stand, 19th Century, | 29*24*24… | 325 |
Board | Checker, Red Black, 2-Borad Backborad, 1800s, | 16*26 | 201 |
Board | Checker, Red & Black, Pine,c. 1880, | 15.5*27…… | 290 |
Board | Checker, Red & Black, Paint, Trays & Molded Raised Edge, c.1900, | 29*18.5 | 160 |
Board | Checker, Salmon, Yellow Painted, | 16*30 | 1725 |
Board | Checker, Softwood, 2-Board, Black Paint, | 25.5*24 | 187 |
Board | Checker, Stars & Circles, Quebec,c. 1900, | 29*19.75 | 5830 |
Board | Checker, White, Brown, Grained Border, | 16*16 | 633 |
Board | Checker, Wood, Trays, Inlaid Hearts & Clubs, Painted, 1800s, | 26*21 | 150 |
Board | Checker, Wood, Painted, Black, Red, Applied Molding, 19th Century, | 19*27 | 235 |
Board | Checker, Wood, Painted, Red, Yellow, Blue, Game Piece Compartments, | 17*26 | 353 |
Board | Checker, Wood, Painted, Gray, Blue, Geometric Verso, Early 1900s, | 26.5*17 | 805 |
Board | Checker, Wood, Painted, Green, Black, Applied Molding, 1800s, | 16.75*24.75 | 940 |
Board | Checker, Wood, Painted, Red & Black,Tray Edge, | 19.12.5*19.25 | 450 |
Board | Checker, Wood, Painted, Red & Yellow, Square, c.1875, | 14.75*14.5 | 1880 |
Board | Checker, Yellow & Black, Yellow End Reserves, Early 1900s, | 18*30 | 9600 |
Board | Checker, Yellow & Black, Squares, Red, Black & Green Borders, | 14.37.5*17.25 | 4700 |
Board | Checker & Backgammon, Black & Red, 1880, | 14*17 | 1645 |
Board | Checker & Backgammon, Painted, Red , Blue, Black , | 18*16 | 2585 |
Board | Checker & Parcheesi, Painted, Black Ground Red Molding, | 20.37.5*28 | 5288 |
Board | Checker & Parcheesi, Pine, Painted, White Stars, | 17*17 | 3600 |
Board | Checker & Parcheesi, Raised Edges, Church, Indian, Teepees, | 16.5*24.75 | 110 |
Board | Chess, Chinoiserie, Gold, Lacquered, Backgammon. Gold, Red, victorian, | 20*2 | 173 |
Board | Chinese Checkers, red, Yellow, Green, Dovetailed, Patina, Octagonal, | 28 | 350 |
Board | Cribbage, Brass, Scalloped Edge, England, | 4*9 | 94 |
Board | Cribbage & Chess, Marquetry Compass Star, Mahogany, Beechwood, | 13*13 | 480 |
Board | Folding, Green Felt, 7 Wood Balls, Ivory Markers, 19th Century, | 37 | 11950 |
Board | Mickey Mantle’s Big League Baseball, Gardner, 1958 | 210 | |
Board | Painted, Red , Blue, Inlaid Vineer Field, Black Borders, Applied Molded Edge, | 12*12 | 588 |
Board | Paper, Pine, Funhouse, 2-Sided, McLoughlin Bros., N. Y., c.1930, | 16*16 | 5700 |
Board | Parcheesi, Painted, Mahogany, Shamrocks, Crackling, 19th Century, | 14*14 | 403 |
Board | Parcheesi, Pine, Applied Sides, Multicolored Paint, Inscribed Lines, | 21.5*17 | 3300 |
Board | Parcheesi, Pine, Painted, Home, Red & Black, Yellow Stripes, Early 1900s, | 22*22 | 8400 |
Board | Parcheesi, Pine, Painted, Green, Yellow , Orange, Red, Early 1900s, | 21*20.5 | 10200 |
Board | Parcheesi, Red, White, Blue Paint, | 24*24 | 4600 |
Board | Parcheesi, Red, Black, Green, Mustard, Cream Breadboard Ends, | 20*28 | 7638 |
Board | Parcheesi, Wood, Painted, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black,c.1880, | 10*20 | 5875 |
Board | Wheeling, Jacques & Son, c,1895, | 15*30 | 275 |
Branded | Western Themes, Milton Bradley, Board, Spinner, 1966, | 9*19 | 195 |
Bulls & Bears | Charles Darrow, Parker Brothers, Board, 1936, | 13.5 | 348 |
Carpet Ball | Red Sponge, Cogwheel Design, | 3.25 | 66 |
Chance | Rotating Wheel, Metal, Jockeys, Racehorses, Mason & Co., N. J.,c.1910, | 93 | 2468 |
Chess | Dominoes, Cards, Backgammon, Mahogany, Domed Hinged Lid, | 8*13*11 | 748 |
Chess Set | Ivory, Carved, Hand Painted, Contemporary, | 2.75 To 5.25., 32 Piece | 224 |
Chess Set | Ivory, Neutral,Red Pieces, Gutta Percha Box, c.1880 | 329 | |
Chess Set | Silver,Silver Gilt,Germany, c.1840 | 4500 | |
Croquet set | Edwardian,4 Players, Ball, Early 20th Century, | 10*42*11 in………i | 100 |
Desterity puzzle, | Cats &Mice Germany, Prewar | 35 | |
Desterity puzzle, | Woman, Eyeglasses, Mirror Back, D.R.G.M., Germany, | 2.25 | 140 |
Dominoes | Bone, 2 Ivory Veneered Counters, 19th Century | 956 | |
Dominoes | Box, Carved, Sliding Cover, Dice, Game Pieces | 5 | 5676 |
Game Of The North Pole | Spear, Board, 1910, | 8*12 | 115 |
Gizz | Put & Take, Plastic, Hand Held, Box | 60 | |
Green Ghost | Glows In The Dark , Transogram, Board, Box., 1965, | 200 | |
Honey West | Girl Privet Eye, Ideal , Board, 1965 | 200 | |
Improved Game | Fish Pond, Cardboard, Wood, McLoughlin Bros., Board, 1890, | 12*18 | 115 |
Jackie Gleason Story Stage Set Game | Cardboard, VIP Corp, 1955 | 30 | |
Jigsaw Puzzle | Brave Cowboy Bill, Little Golden, 1950 | 125 | |
Jigsaw Puzzle | Cocomalt Flying Family, 1932, | 6*10 | 25 |
Jigsaw Puzzle | Farm Yard, Scroll, McLoughlin Bros., c.1894, | 12*24 | 246 |
Jigsaw Puzzle | Fire Engine, Fire Pumper Scene, McLoughlin Bros., | 9*12 | 316 |
Jigsaw Puzzle | Horse Drawn Fire Pumper ,Cardboard, McLoughlin Bros., | 9*12.. | 320 |
Jigsaw Puzzle | Horse Drawn Hose Wagon Rushing To Fire, People Watching, | 11*17 | 45 |
Jigsaw Puzzle | Horse Pulling Pumper From The B. E. D. | 11, 28*28 | 224 |
Jigsaw Puzzle | Jolly Barnyard, Little Golden, 1950 | 125 | |
Jigsaw Puzzle | Pkoy Little Puppy, Little Golden, 1942 | 150 | |
Jigsaw Puzzle | Quick Be Quick, Pumper, Fairman, Building, | 12*12 | 190 |
Jigsaw Puzzle | Tally-Ho Scroll, McLoughlin Brothers,c.1894 | 12.5*24 | 1540 |
Jigsaw Puzzle | Tootle, Little Golden, 1946 | 125 | |
Jigsaw Puzzle | White Squadron, Ship, Paper On Wood, McLoughlin Brothers, 40 Piece, 1892 | 388 | |
Jigsaw Puzzle | Womnderful House, Little Golden, 1942 | 125 | |
Lottery | Roulette Wheel, Prizes, Dolls, Carriage, Furniture, France, | 18*14 | 920 |
Man In The Moon | No Pieces, McLoughlin Bros., Board, 1912, | 14*15… | 850 |
Mansion Of Happiness | Parker Brothers, Board, 1894, | 21*14 | 310 |
Mother Goose | Figures Pop Up , knobs, Paper On Wood, | 19… | 735 |
Motor Cycle | Cyclists On Early 1905 Cycles, Milton Bradley, Board, | 9 | 425 |
National Game Of The Star Spangled Banner | Folding, L. I. Cohen, c.1844, | 20*16 | 4113 |
Parcel Post Toy Town | Bradley, 1910 | 195 | |
Parlor | Theater, Paper Board, Folding, Orchestra, Silhouettes On Stage, France, | 19*13 | 896 |
Parlor Football | McLoughlin Brothers, Board, 1890s | 575 | |
Pope Joan | Chinoiserie, Flowering Wisteria, Papier-Mache, Japan, Board, c.1880 | 12 | 249 |
Puzzle | Aunt Louisa’s Cube Pazzle, Jack & The Bean Stalk, McLoughlin Bros., c.1890 | 143 | |
Puzzle | Hood’s, Factory, Plexiglas, 2-Sided, Frame, United States | 121 | |
Puzzle | Knights Life Insurance, Paper, 4 Piece, Original Envelope | 18 | |
Puzzle | Rough Riders, McLoughlin Bros., 1898, | 18*13.5*1.25 | 1135 |
Puzzle | Sliding Tile, Casper, | 5*6 | 86 |
Puzzle | Sliding Tile, Flintstones, | 5*6 | 144 |
Puzzle | Sliding Tile, Huckleberry Hound,, | 5*6 | 86 |
Rival Doctors, | Box Lid & Board Only, McLoughlin Brothers,1893, | 10….. | 425 |
Robinson Crusoe & His Man Friday | Instructions Box, 30 Cards, | 3.25*2.25 | 538 |
Rough Riders | Teddy Roosevelt, Parker Brothers, | 10.25*20 | 345 |
Round The World With Nellie Bly | McLoughlin Brothers, Board, c.1890, | 360 | |
Scarlett O’Hara | Gone With The Wind, Marble,c. 1939, | 195 | |
Shoot-A-Plane | Box, Abbo-Craft, | 9*15 | 86 |
Skee-Ball | Marble, Pressed Steel, Wyandotte, | 20 | 33 |
Snakes & Ladders | Applied Breadboard Ends, Red, Blue, Black, Board, | 24*18 | 64625 |
Snapshot | Parker Brothers, Board, 1972, | 11 | |
Snooker | Scorekeeping Device, Early 19th Century | 45 | |
Target | Bear Target game, Shoot Bear, Eyes Light-Up, Tin, Battery, Masudaya, Box, | 9 | 195 |
Target | Little Black Sambo, Wyandotte, Box | 325 | |
Target | Man From U.N.C.L.E., Ideal Toy Co., 1965, | 16.5*12 | 472 |
Target | National Defense, Gun On Stand, Tin Lithograph, Metal, Paper, Marx, | 12*20 | 201 |
Target | Space Shooting Range, Tin, Windup,Graphics, | 19.25*13.87.5*7.12.5 | 248 |
Target Shooting | Playing Cards, Target Blocks, Crossbow, Arrow, Box, | 14*14 | 728 |
Tarzan | Parker Brothers, Board, Box, 1939, | 489 | |
Teddy’s Bear Hunt | Theodore Roosevelt, Bowers & Hard, Bridgeport, Board, | 18*12 | 836 |
Train For Boston | Wood Pieces, Spinner, Parker Brothers,c.1900, | 14*16… | 845 |
Uncle Sam | John Bull, Chromolithographed Cutouts, Wood, Clay Marbles, | 15.25*20 | 633 |
Uncle Wiggily | Parker Brothers, Board, 1979, | 12 | |
Wheel | Carnival, Horse Racing, Reverse Glass Panel, Brass Cover, | 39*24 | 935 |
Wheel | Chance, Dominoes, St, Louis Carnival Supply Co | 770 | |
Wheel | Chance, Pine, Sheet Steel, Iron, Round Dial, Horses, Dogs,c.1910, | 14.75 | 978 |
Wheel | Eagle In Center, Poland, | 37.,Diam | 145 |
Wheel | Gambling, Carnival, Metal Stand, | 26… | 460 |
Wheel | Gambling, Wood, Red & Black Paint, 5 Holes In Wheel, | 20.25 | 495 |
Whist Counter | Cast Iron, Metal Pins, John Gill Mfg.,c.1865, | 475 | |
Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf | Marx Brothers, Disney Enterprises, Board, | 60 | |
Wild West Game | McLoughlin Brothers, Board,1905, | 19.5*19.5*1.5 | 685 |
Zeppelin | Cannpn Shoots Sticks At Soldiers Wood, Germany, Box, | 10*10.. | 1495 |
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